Mr. Ashraf VVN, HST, DGHSS, Tanur, Malappuram gladly shares with us Detailed Textual activities and relevant discourses, Appreciation in a comprehensive way based on all the lessons "Bang the Drum" in IXth English text book. It is extremely beneficial for teachers and student folk. EduKsd Blog Team are delighted to express our overwhelming pleasure and immense gratitude to his remarkable work.
STD IX- English Unit1 Chapter 3 Bang The Drum- Elegant Module - BY ASHRAF VVN
Monday, June 26, 2023
Mr. Ashraf VVN, HST, DGHSS, Tanur, Malappuram gladly shares with us Detailed Textual activities and relevant discourses, Appreciation in a comprehensive way based on all the lessons "Bang the Drum" in IXth English text book. It is extremely beneficial for teachers and student folk. EduKsd Blog Team are delighted to express our overwhelming pleasure and immense gratitude to his remarkable work.
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