Mr. Ashraf VVN, HST, DGHSS, Tanur, Malappuram gladly shares with us Detailed Textual activities and relevant discourses, Appreciation in a comprehensive way based on all the lessons "Maternity" in the IXth English textbook. It is extremely beneficial for teachers and student folk. EduKsd Blog Team is delighted to express our overwhelming pleasure and immense gratitude for his remarkable work.
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Character sketch Mikali in the Chapter Maternity
Mikali was an Armenian refugee boy living in a refugee camp at Marsilles. He
was a fourteen year old boy. He had to carry his infant brother on his back
always. His He was a responsible brother who had love and affection to him. He
knocked all the doors to breast feed him. But he did n’t get any help from
anyone. It made him restless and desperate. He was But he protected and took
care of him patiently. It shows his courage and determination.
Mikali writes a diary entry expressing his feelings and the china man’s
Monday 14th, August 2021
It is a great moment in my life. I am happy and excited now. The china man’s
wife came forward to breast feed my little brother. She is a generous and
kind lady. She proved she was a real mother. She displayed all the qualities
of a genuine mother. I can’t forget this incident in my life. Now I feel I
am not alone in my life. It was a relishing event in my life. It gives me
immense satisfaction and pleasure. God is great.
Newspaper report
Prepare a newspaper report of the Mikali’s life in Armenian camp.
Dedication and sincerity of a boy
Marsilles: Mikali, a fourteen year old boy carrying his infant baby on the
back always.
His mother died after his birth. He was in search of a nursing mother to
breast feed him.
It was his cruel fate; no one came forward to feed the boy. They blamed him
for the
boy’s incessant cries. They chased him away and threatening when they saw
the boy’s
horrible appearance. But he continued his attempt to find a nursing mother
for him. At
last china man came to his rescue. He took him to his house and his wife
breast fed the
boy. It saved the boy from starving death.
Prepare a conversation between the china man and Mikali.
Chinaman : Why are you so sad?
Mikali : My infant baby didn’t eat anything for many days. He would die of
hunger soon.
Chinaman : Are you from the refugee camp?
Mikali : Yes, we live there in a pitiable condition.
Chinaman : Where is his mother?
Mikali : His mother died soon after his birth.
Chinaman : Really it is pity.
Mikali : He is starving. I am looking for a nursing mother to feed him.
Chinaman : No problem, please come with me. My wife will feed him.
Mikali : Thank God
Read and respond: Important questions and answers
1. Why couldn’t Mikali earn even a penny?
He was unable to go to work because he had to carry his infant baby in
search of a nursing mother to feed the baby
2. Why was he chased away by his fellow Armenians?
He was chased away because the people were unable to bear the incessant
cries of the little baby .It kept them awake the day and night.
3. Mikali wandered like a ‘lost soul’ comment on the comparison
He wandered about carrying the little infant on his back. Nobody came
forward to help him in his distress. He was tired due to lack of sleep and
proper food.
4. Why did the refugees wish that the child would die?
Everybody listens to the cries of the baby with much irritation and
restlessness. They can’t bear cry of him anymore. So they wished that he
would die.
5. Notice how the women behaved .What do you think about their
They behaved in a pitiful and desperate manner. No one was ready to help and
protect the boy form the horrible condition. They were not at all
cooperative and considerate with him
6. What made Mikali go to the camp of the Anatolians’?
Mikali knew that there was a nursing mother in the Anatolians camp and hoped
that she might take pity on the boy. So he went there.
7. Why did the women give vent to cries of horror?
The baby’s head had become enormous and shriveled body. So the women gave
vent to cries of horror.
8. Why did he feel immensely alone and lost?
He was turned away mercilessly by the people of camp. No one came to help
him in any way. He was humiliated and sent away in a disgraceful manner.
9. In what way is the china man different from the refugees?
China man was kind and affectionate. He felt pity on the little boy. He
invited him to his house .His wife was ready to breast feed the boy. His
kindheartedness and humanity changed him form others. It was a rarely seen
10. Describe how the china man’s wife behaved when she saw Mikali with
her husband?
When the china man’s wife saw the baby with Mikali, her face reddened with a
smile and showed utmost courtesy. She welcomed the boy happily and
13. What did the chairman’s wife do when she saw the famished infant?
She was excited to breast feed the boy. Really it was an ugly look at it.
But she didn’t show any disgust when she saw the skeletonic body of the
baby. She put the boy in her lap and breast fed him.
Let’s Revisit and RefLect
1. How did the child become a problem to Mikali and the others in the
refugee camp? What impression do you get about Mikali from the way he
faced the problem?
Mikali had to carry the child on his back always. The piteous cry of the
baby was a great disturbance to the refugees in the camp. They had their own
problems and worries. It multiplied their anxieties and hardships. They
could not tolerate this anymore. He had nothing to eat and didn’t get proper
sleep as he was tired and Mikali wandered like a lost soul. He faced all the
problems with grit and determination.
2. Describe Mikali’s experiences in the Armenian camp and the Anatolian
camp. What differences do you notice?
Mikali did not get any help from the refugees of the Armenian camp. They
often chased him away from their quarters. He got the same treatment from
the Anatolians. When the women saw the baby they chased him away threatening
3. How does the story reveal the nobility of maternity? Describe.
Mikali begged the women in the camp to beast feed the baby. But no one cared
and show pity on the new born baby. Not even a single woman came forward to
breastfeed the baby. But the china man’s wife was ready to give milk to the
famished boy. It was a saw great message all the women in the refugees camp.
She gave out a cry of immense pity t when she saw the skeletonic boy and
then she pressed the babe to her heart and breast fed the boy. She upholds
the importance of maternity through her kind deed.
4. Which character in the story was the most empathetic to the baby?
The Chinaman’s wife was highly considerate to the baby. She was excited to
breast feed the boy. Really it was an ugly look at it. But she didn’t show
any disgust when she saw the skeletonic body of the baby. She put the boy in
her lap and breast fed him.
5. Which character in the story do you like most? Give reasons.
I like Mikali’s character as the most kind and patient. He was ready to do
anything for the sake of his brother. He sacrificed all his comfort and
pleasure for his infant brother. It is hard to see a boy like him in his
age. He was ready to suffer patiently all the difficulties and hardships in
his life. He did not complain anything. It shows his courage and
determination. It is rare to see such a noble and gentle boy in the refugee
camp. Even though he was chased away by the women in the camp, he tried to
protect the baby from all the harm and danger. At last he got the nursing
woman to feed the baby. It was his success.
Prepared by
ashraf vvn
Hst, dghss, tanur malappuram
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