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SSLC English Unit 4 Chapter 1 - The Scholarship Jacket - Elegant Module - By Ashraf VVN

Anas Nadubail
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Mr. Ashraf VVN, HST, DGHSS, Tanur, Malappuram gladly shares with us Detailed Textual activities and relevant discourses, in a comprehensive way based on all the lessons " The Scholarship Jacket" in the Xth English textbook. It is extremely beneficial for teachers and student folk. EduKsd Blog Team is delighted to express our overwhelming pleasure and immense gratitude for his remarkable work.

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Write up 

Imagine that you are a friend of Martha and you know everything that happened in her life in connection with issue of the scholarship Jacket. If you narrate the story how would you do it? Write the likely narrative. 

Martha was a poor Mexican girl who was good at her studies. She was a financially backward student studying in a school at Texas. The school had a glorious tradition of giving the scholarship jacket to a valedictorian who maintains A+ grade eight years. She was the only the person eligible for the award. The scholarship jacket was the only hope of her life to continue her studies happily.  
As she was a child of poor farmer parents, she could not afford her studies. She was brought up by her grandparents.  It was a great relief to her. She was looking for winning the prestigious award. She happened to hear the heated argument between her two teachers. His math teacher was talking to give the award to another girl Joann, whose father was a member in the school board. He was an influential person too. She could not control her emotions as she heard this. They were ready to lie or falsify records. Schmitdt did not support that move. She sobbed uncontrollably and went home sadly. She realized that she was discriminated against on account of being a Mexican. 
The principal called her to the office and informed her that school management has taken a decision to charge fifteen dollars for the scholarship jacket. She was heartbroken when she had known it. She told the principal that she would tell him after discussing the matter with his grandpa. When she approached her grandpa, he did not listen to her words. He was against giving money to get the scholarship. 
Martha was deeply hurt and pained by the words of her grandpa. The firm decision of her grandpa stopped her. It was a severe blow to her ardent desire of getting the prestigious scholarship.  She reported the concern of her grandpa to the principal and expressed his unwillingness to pay the amount and stating the reason for refusal.  
As she was about to leave the room, the Principal stopped her suddenly and told her they would make an exception this year in her case. She is the winner of the scholarship jacket. Martha was overjoyed to hear this pleasant news. She could not believe herself. She wanted to share her happiness with her grandpa and rushed home. She knew that her history teacher was a strong force behind this decision. When she met him, she hugged him and thanked him for his effort to get her scholarship. Her firm belief made her the proud winner of the scholarship jacket.  


1. Martha meets Mr. Schmidt on the valedictory day. Prepare a conversation between Martha and Mr. Schmidt. 
Martha : Good morning, Sir. 
Mr. Schmidt : Good morning
Martha : Sir you favoured me strongly to get the scholarship. 
Mr. Schmidt : It was my I did it.  
Martha : Your effort has succeeded in getting the scholarship. 
Mr. Schmidt : Really, you deserved it. 
Martha : But they tried to give to another girl. 
Mr. Schmidt : I know malpractices will happen .I had to intervene in it.  
Martha : It upset me. l have lost my proper sleep since last week.
Mr. Schmidt : Now you got it. Nothing to think about past.  
Martha : Sir, I want to appreciate your effort. 
Mr. Schmidt : Great. I am proud of your enviable achievement. 
Martha : I feel blessed to have a teacher like you. 
Mr. Schmidt : It is a great honour
Martha : Thank you sir. 


1. Imagine that Martha’s friend writes a letter congratulating her on winning the scholarship. 

Texas school 
25th November 2021. 

 Dear Martha, 

How are you? Hope you are fine. I am writing this letter with a special purpose.  I am proud of being your close friend.  I am very glad to know that you have finally won the deserved the scholarship jacket. Your hard work, determination and commitment worked enormously.  I know the support and encouragement of your teachers, friends and grandparents which made a significant part in it. You astonished everyone with your stupendous effort. I am sure you will conquer more heights and distances in your life. Convey my best regards to all at your home 

Yours lovingly, 


1. Martha, after receiving the scholarship jacket, writes a letter expressing her immense gratitude to Mr.Schmidt for supporting her.  Draft the likely letter. 

Mr. Schmidt 

15th October 2021.
Texas School 

I am writing this letter to express my sincere thanks gratitude.  Your stupendous effort is a chief cause to realize my coveted goal.  I wish to disclose shocking news. I had overheard your conversation with Mr. Boone.  When I was going to my class room to take my PE uniform. I understood your anxiety and concern in this regard.  Let me offer my heartfelt thanks and immense pleasure for your support and consideration. You are only one among my teachers who could understand the hard work and efforts that I had made to get the scholarship jacket. Convey my happiness for your encouraging words. 

Thank you 
Yours obediently, 

2. Martha drafts a letter of complaint to the managing director of Texas school. 

Grace Villa, 

22th March 2021. 

The Managing Director 
Texas school 

Dear Sir,  
I write this letter to express my concern and anguish over the sudden change in policy regarding the scholarship jacket. It is the school’s tradition which is carried out every year to award the beautiful gold and green jacket to the class valedictorian, the student who had maintained   the highest grades for eight years. As I have a straight A plus average, I deserve the scholarship. I have worked with great conviction and determination to achieve my goal.  Hence I request the management to reconsider the change in the policy and arrive at a favourable decision at the earliest. 
Yours faithfully, 


Martha writes a diary entry after getting the scholarship jacket expressing her feelings and emotions. 

12th September 2021. 
1 am thrilled and excited to get the prestigious scholarship jacket.  My hard work has been paid off. My cherished dream has come true. It is my great pleasure to possess it.  My luck favored me enormously.  I can’t forget the support and encouragement of my teachers, my grandpa and my friends. My principal‘s effort is commendable to get the scholarship jacket. I value the considerable support and sincere effort of everyone. My grandpa’s words motivated me to overcome all the hurdles in my journey to get the award.  

 CHARACTER Sketches  

Martha, the central character of the story ‘The scholarship Jacket’ is a Mexican girl.  She was a bright and intelligent girl.  She was living with her grandparents as her parents were unable to bear the expense of her studies. She was 14 years old and studying in eighth grade.  She was called a ‘bean pole’ and ‘string bean’ because she was extremely thin.  She was fantastically tall and incredibly smart.  
She could maintain A+ average during her eight years of schooling. It could help her to win the scholarship jacket. She overcame several hurdles and earned the scholarship she deserved. She was proud of her achievement. The scholarship jacket was a solid proof her hard work and commitment. The scholarship jacket was a commendable recognition of her qualities and proud achievement.  


Martha’s grandfather was a hardworking farmer. He was a caring and loving person. His practical approach and maturity helped Martha to get the scholarship jacket. His role was immense in overcoming all the hurdles in her journey to attain the scholarship. His strong presence was an inspirational force for her. She gained confidence and motivation from him. She approached him and sought his help and guidance whenever she felt necessary. He had taught her how to behave in times of 
crisis and trouble. These lessons enabled her to face all challenges boldly.  All though he was uneducated, he was a man of wisdom and practical mindedness. She was able to take the right decision with the advice of her grandparents. He was an instrumental in achieving all success in her life. She made her realize that there were many things in life much costlier than what money could buy   He teaches her values, dignity and self-respect.  


Respected Principal, my beloved teachers and my dear friends. A warm good morning to you all present here. I am so proud to be here in this pleasant occasion. I feel highly delighted to stand here to speak a few words about winning my scholarship jacket. It is a proud moment in my life. It was my cherished dream to achieve the scholarship jacket. I worked hard and put my sincere effort to get it. My hard work has been paid off. As my father was unable to bear the expense of my studies, I am living with my grandparents. They looked after me well and got their sincere support for my uninterrupted studies. My grandparents were instrumental in winning the scholarship. I can’t forget the role of my teachers, friends and my principal. I wish to thank everyone who stood behind me to achieve this prestigious 
scholarship. Let me conclude my short speech. Thank you and have a nice day. 

News report  

Martha was awarded the scholarship jacket by the vice chancellor of the university. Prepare a news report that may appear in the newspaper  

 Martha, a meritorious student bags the Award

California 23rd November:    Martha a studious student was awarded this year’s scholarship jacket. It was given in a glittering function conducted by the school authorities. She had maintained A+ grade during her eight years of studies. The chancellor said that her remarkable talents and skills were recognized through her astonishing achievement. Principal remarked that they were fortunate to have a student like Martha in their school. Her firm belief, her consistent effort and dedication had been fulfilled. She was grateful to all those who stood behind her to fulfill her supreme goal, She said in her acceptance speech.   

Prepared by 
Ashraf VVN
Hst, dghss, tanur, malappuram. 

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