Mr. Ashraf VVN, HST, DGHSS, Tanur, Malappuram gladly shares with us CAPSULE MODULE based on the Chapter Line Written in Early Spring for the students preparing for SSLC English Exam. It will boost the student's confidence and vigour. It is great support for teachers. EduKsd Blog Team is delighted to express our overwhelming pleasure and immense gratitude for his remarkable work.
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‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ is a beautiful poem written by the world renowned romantic poet William words worth. He vividly describes the beauty of nature and discusses the concerns of human activities on nature. He was fascinated by the beautiful sights and sounds of nature. The poet sits in a small woodland grove and listens to the chirping of the birds around him. He sits in a relaxed mood against a tree in a shady clump of trees. He was much pleased in the songs and music of woods. Even though he is happy, some sad thoughts came to his mind. It washes away He contemplates the changes that society has undergone around him.
The poet was unhappy and uncomfortable with the selfish and dominant mischief of human beings. The man wants to establish the supremacy on nature to satisfy his greed. According to poet, the nature is being spoilt and ruined for the selfish motive of human beings immeasurably. They are unaware of the beauty and significance of nature. Human beings destroy the harmony and the serenity of nature through their harmful and destructive activities. They are ignorant of future generations. It causes much harm and destruction to nature. So the poet laments that the grace and charm of nature is lost for human being forever.
The poet was glad to see the primrose and the periwinkle which co-exist peacefully and seem to derive pleasure and enthusiasm from their living. He strongly believes that every flower enjoys the air it breathes. The birds around him express the thrill of pleasure by hopping and playing in the grove. He feels that the birds and flowers are very happy in nature. He wonders why man has moved away from Nature.
The poet uses various poetic devices to make the poem more meaningful and interesting. The poem is well sufficient with literary devices. Personification, alliteration and images are well blend with the poem. The poet personifies the nature deftly. The poem reflects Wordsworth’s admiration for nature immensely.