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SSLC English Unit -3 Chapter - 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made Elegant Module By Ashraf VVN

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Mr. Ashraf VVN, HST, DGHSS, Tanur, Malappuram gladly shares with us Elegant Module based on the Chapter The Best Investment I Ever Made for the students preparing for SSLC English Exam 2022. It will boost the student's confidence and vigour. It is great to support for teachers. EduKsd Blog Team is delighted to express our overwhelming pleasure and immense gratitude for his remarkable work.

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Mr. John is the central character of the story; ‘The Best Investment I Ever Made’.   He was an orphan boy. He had an unhappy and miserable past. His uncle found him a job as a clerk in an office but he fell victim to a loose company.  He spent his money lavishly for betting and gambling. It put him in a difficult situation. He had to steal the money from the office.  He was scared of being caught, he tried to commit suicide.  The doctor saved his life from the suicide attempt. The doctor gave the money to replace the stolen money from the office. The doctor’s great effort gave him a new life. He regarded him as a big hero in his life. It changed his life completely. He sacrificed his life for the betterment of maladjusted youth. It was a great investment for the doctor.

‘The Best Investment I Ever Made’ is the story of a young man’s reckless life and the timely help of the doctor to save his life.  Narrate the story in your own words.

A J Cronin was practicing as a young doctor in London, one night he was awakened by a policeman to attend a suicide attempt. The author went to the spot immediately to rescue the victim. It was a young man whose parents were dead. Mr. John was an orphan boy who had an unhappy and miserable past. His uncle found him a job as a clerk in a London solicitor’s office.  He fell victim to a bad company and he spent his money lavishly and foolishly.  He had begun to bet on horses and lost all his small savings.  He was involved in stealing and gambling. He had to steal money from the office for his last pay.  When he was about to be caught, he tried to commit suicide.  He put the gas oven open and tried to commit suicide.  The people rushed to save him.

The young man tried to suicide for an amount of seven pounds and ten shillings. The doctor felt sympathy. The doctor wanted to help him from his miserable condition. The doctor gave him the money to put back to his office. So the doctor saved his life.  John’s life is the gift of the doctor. He sacrificed everything for the betterment of maladjusted youth. He proved that his life was valuable to others. It was a big investment for the doctor.


John writes a letter to the doctor expressing his gratitude and pleasure for saving his life

Palm Villa


25th March 2021

Dear Doctor,

How are you? Hope you keeping are fine. I am writing this letter with a special purpose. I want to share with you an exciting experience.  You did a great job to save my life. I am thankful to you. You gave me a second life and changed me a lot.  Now you are my guardian and mentor. I am proud of you for your kind help and support.

Hope to meet you soon.

Yours lovingly,




1. Mr. John writes his diary after meeting the narrator.


21st MARCH 2021.

It is an unforgettable day in my life.  I am happy to meet the doctor today.   I can’t forget him. He saved me from suicide attempt. How can I forget him? He opened a new world before me.  He made me a star in front of others.  I can’t forget his support and encouragement. He motivated me to gain a lot. I can carry out my duty with perfection now. This doctor is the real God.  Thank God for his kind help and support. 


Prepare a conversation between the doctor and john

John                     : How are you sir?

Doctor                  : Fine. Glad to meet you here

John                     : You saved my life. It is a great effort.

Doctor                  : Sure, I did my job.

John                     : It is my second life.

Doctor                  : yes, now you are doing a great job.

John                     : I learnt a lot from you sir.

Doctor                  : That is fine.

John                     : sir, you are my hero.

Doctor                  : Glad to see you

John                     : Thank you very much.



Mr. John was accorded a warm reception for his dedicated and enthusiastic  service. He decided to prepare a speech about his turning point in his life. 

Honourable guest, respected headmaster, beloved teachers and my dear friends, a warm good morning to all of you present here. I am delighted to be here to speak a few words about my turning point in life.  
You know life is a mixture of happiness and sorrows. I struggled a lot in my life. We should face hardships boldly and courageously. It is the success of my life. When I was young, I fell into a bad company which spoiled my life completely. I spent my money on gambling and betting. I had to steal money for gambling from my office. I had to do a lot of wrong doings to flourish my life.  Later I could realize that it was a great mistake in my life. The kindness and affection of a landlady and the doctor brought me back to my life.  I could survive all these strenuous periods of my life with much dedication and conviction.  The doctor is my hero and I enjoyed his kindness and generosity immeasurably. He gave me the right direction and proper guidance to lead a fruitful life. I thank him profusely for saving my life. We should not spoil our life only for mere pleasure. We should understand the real value and meaning of life. Let me conclude my short speech. Thank you and have a nice day. 



The young doctor in ‘The best investment I Ever made” is disturbed to hear the story of the young clerk who attempted to commit suicide, the next day he narrates the experience to his colleague. Write the likely narrative. 

When the doctor was practicing as a young doctor in London, one night he was awakened by a policeman to attend a suicide attempt. The author went to the spot immediately to rescue the victim. It was a young man whose parents were dead. 

Mr. Jhon was an orphan boy who had an unhappy and miserable past. His uncle found him a job as a clerk in a London solicitor’s office.  He fell victim to a bad company and he spent his money lavishly and foolishly.  He had begun to bet on horses and lost all his small savings.  He was involved in stealing and gambling. He had to steal money from the office for his last pay.  When he was about to catch, he tried to commit suicide.  He put the gas oven open and tried to commit suicide.  The people rushed to save him. The doctor was amazed on hearing that the young man tried to suicide for an amount of seven pounds and ten shillings. The doctor felt sympathy and the doctor gave the money to put back to his office. So the doctor saved his life.   
 Later he got good education and became a lawyer.  He became the director of a charitable organization which was uplifting maladjusted and delinquent youth.  He was doing a commendable job.  So he decided to lead a truthful and dedicated life. He began to change himself and made remarkable changes in his life. 

When the narrator happened to meet him on the deck of ship, he was impressed to see him there.  He narrated his full history to him. The doctor was curious to know more about him and his life.  He was impressed to hear that he was working as a director of a charitable organization devoted to the care of a people who lead wretched life.  .He devoted his entire valuable life for the cause of criminal minded people who had fallen under the ban of law. It was a memorable experience to meet him there.  He did not think that a small help would change a man considerably. 

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