The lesson "Rosa Parks Sat Still" in Unit 3 of the 8th-grade English textbook provides students with an inspiring account of Rosa Parks, a brave African American woman who stood up for her rights and played a crucial role in the Civil Rights Movement. This post will explore various discourses based on the lesson, helping students understand the story better and enhance their language skills.
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Diary of Rosa Parks
November 29, 1955
Dear Diary,
Today, on my way home from work, I had to stand on the bus. After I
paid my fare, got off the bus to walk around to the back, and got back on,
I realized it was already very full. There was barely enough room to
stand, let alone sit after my long day at work. There was even a
little girl standing because the white folk wouldn't let her sit! I
couldn't believe how insensitive they were being, including the bus
driver. Of course, the whites on the front of the bus were seated
comfortably, all spread out and taking up seats for their important brief
cases and whatnot. This isn't the first time I've felt frustrated on
the bus. Not only are we forced to sit (or stand) in the back, but
we have to pay our fare and then get back off the bus so we don't walk
through the white section. As if they're going to catch something
from us! I don't understand what makes the white people believe
they're better than us blacks, but I'm getting awfully frustrated with
them and their superior mindset. Pretty soon, somebody's going to
have to do something about the way the busses are working around here.
They can call what's going 'separate but equal,' but they aren't fooling
me or any of the other black folk. Raymond has been getting fed up
also; I feel like that poor man is going to snap if we don't see some
changes around here.
God Bless,
Rosa Louise Parks
News Paper Report
Rosa parks refused to move and that has changed the lives of
millions. Based on your reading of the lesson prepare a newspaper
report on Rosa Park's arrest.
Montgomery,December1,1955: A black woman was arrested yesterday for
allegedly breaking laws of Montgomery province. The woman, Rosa Parks as
she was called is a seamstress at a departmental store. It was reported
that she refused to give her seat to the white man even after the
driver’s repeated orders. The police was called and Rosa was arrested
and fined . The police said she had no qualms about breaking the law.
She said it was an unfair one segregating human beings on the colour of
their skin. It is assumed that the black community would soon resort to
protests to release Rosa Parks. The authority has equipped itself with
the maximum number of personnel to face this. unexpected protests.
Rosa Parks was arrested by the police for breaking the law. The black
people ,gather in large groups to protest against this arrest. Deliver
a speech in front of the gathering on racial discrimination.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today we are gathered here for a special reason. We know that Rosa Parks
who refused to give her seat to the white man is arrested by the police
and she is in jail now. As we are all black and face the same
predicament, we should stand united to give her justice. We have been
facing this discrimination for decades. Now that we have got
someone to fight for justice ,we should not take our steps back. We must
fight until death so that the law be made just. We are all human beings
and therefore have equal rights to be treated as equals. How can they
discriminate us just because the colour of our skin is dark. We do
pay the same fare, We do the same work nothing more or nothing less.
Hence ,my dear friends ,it is the duty of each one of us not to succumb
to the iron fists of the white people to suppress us. Let us unite for
this noble cause. Let us show them how strong and determined we
are! Our forefathers were but silent victims of this inhuman practice
.But we shall not tolerate this any longer. Today ,we together take a
strong decision not to use any of the Montgomery private buses. Instead
we would walk to our workplaces or would devise some other means to
reach our destination. I request each of you to join in this cause , Let
us walk for our freedom.
Thank you