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Mr. Ashraf VVN, HST, DGHSS, Tanur, Malappuram gladly shares with us Elegant Module based on the Chapter The Castaway for the students preparing for SSLC English Exam. It will boost the student's confidence and vigour. It is great to support for teachers. EduKsd Blog Team is delighted to express our overwhelming pleasure and immense gratitude for his remarkable work.

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Profile Rabindranath Tagore  

1. Prepare a profile of Rabindranath Tagore using the given details. 
Born : 7th May, 1861 
Place of birth : Calcutta, India 
Famous as : Writer, Song Composer, , Play wright , Essayist, painter 
Nationality : Indian 
Notable works: Gitanjali, The Golden Boat, Chirrangada, The post Office, Chandalika 
Notable Awards: Noble prize in Literature 
Died : 7th August ,1941 
Rabindranath Tagore 
Rabindranath Tagore was born  on 7th  May 1861 in Calcutta.  He was a famous Indian writer who contributed much for the betterment of our Literature. He was also a famous song composer.  Tagore was also an eminent playwright, essayist and painter.  His notable works are Gitanjali, The Golden Boat, Chitrangada, The Post Office and Chandalikha.  He is an Indian writer who composed our National anthem. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.  He died on 7th August 1941. 

Informal letter 

1.Kiran felt quite happy and relieved after the arrival of Nilakanta.  She thought of writing a letter to her mother about the same. Attempt the letter. 

Grace Villa, 
10th December 2022. 
Dear Mom, 
How are you? Hope you are fine.  What about papa ? I am quite happy and healthy.  Nothing to worry about me.  I have interesting news to tell you. You know, there is a new guest in our villa now.  Nilkanta, a fourteen year old boy I think God has sent him here.  Last Sunday, as usual Sharat was having a verbal battle with me.  At that time Ganges was furious due to the roaring storm and pouring rain.  Nilkanta’s boat upturned and his entire theatre group perished in the river.  He alone escaped miraculously.
Hope to meet you soon. 
Yours lovingly, 

2.  Kiran writes letter to her friend about Nilkanta. Write the likely letter 

Grace Villa, 
Main Road 
10th December 2022. 

Dear friend, 
How are you? Hope you are fine. A boy named Nilkanta came to our home unexpectedly. His boat was perished in the sea. I could give him motherly and sisterly affection.  He is a good person. I found him a lot of good qualities. He is loving and caring.  He is a talented boy.  His company with naughty boys upsets me.  I always enjoyed his company.  No one likes him in my family.  Even though I protected  him. It is my duty to protect him.  No one likes his behavior and action.  I always supported him.  I consider him as my close friend.  Everybody wants to send him out of the house. No one supported me to protect him. It troubles me a lot.  
Hope to see you soon 
Yours lovingly, 

Character sketches  


Nilkanta , the central character in the story ‘The Castaway’. He belongs to a theatrical group.  It is hard to say his age from his face and acts.  He was an orphan and a destitute boy. His former master used to harass him cruelly. He led a miserable life there. She showed her hospitality by giving him dry clothes and milk to drink. She provided him clothes in abundance. She found happiness in supporting him.  He was happy and comfortable with this family.  His mischievous nature became a nuisance to all.  His presence in the Kiran’s family  made great changes. Kiran supported him very much. Sharat and his mother didn’t like his pranks. Nikanta who seeks to win the undivided attention of Kiran.  At last he ran away from the house to save him from the ignominy of being a thief in front of the family. 


She is a jovial, friendly, caring and sensitive woman. She was looking for a companion.  She keeps profound affection and sympathy to Nilkantha . Kiran had a warm interest in him as he swam out from the clutches of death. She dislikes the boredom of sitting idle and doing nothing. She enjoys his   presence and amuses herself with his various theatrical performances. She took up the role of Nilkanta’s sister and mother. She has a great liking to his reaction and singing. She was shocked when she discovered the theft of inkstand .  She tries to protect Nikanta from being termed as the thief of inkstand. Kiran finds the inkstand in Nikantha’s box and she secretly throws it into the river to save him. She feels enormous pity on the homeless boy and put in his box two sets of clothes. After the arrival of Satish , her attention drifts away from Nikanta.  


1. Kiran writes the dairy after the arrival of Nilkanta  to her home. Prepare the likely diary entry. 

25th November 2022 
I am happy and excited.  Nilkanta arrival is a boon. We liked him very much. I could establish a cordial relationship with him. He entertains me with his theatrical performance.   He is a poor boy. He has lost his parents, brothers and sisters. He is happy to be here with us. We opened a new world for him. He enjoys the support and care of our family members. It is big solace and relief to him as he was suffering unbearable experience from his cruel master.   So he left them  and came here. I will take care of him. 
2. Write the likely diary entry of Nilkanta on his feelings after the arrival of Satish. 
20th January 2022. Monday  
My mistress found out the missing inkstand. I could not believe it at all. It is a shocking experience. I took it as a revenge to throw into the river.  My plan has become an in vain attempt. Now I can’t convince my intention. She discovered from my box. I feel shame and regret.  How can I face her. It is a great mistake. I did not expect she would find it in my box. I have to prove that I am an innocent. How can I prove it? Will she trust me? I can’t blame her for my folly.

Kiran realized that Nilkanta had stolen the inkstand. She prepares a brief description about it 

Nilkanta belonged to a theatrical group.  The boy seeks to win the undivided  affection of a girls name Kiran .  She is member of a Zamindar family who had come to the place for change of air after she had fallen ill. He sought shelter in the house of Kiran soon after his boat foundered in the storm and he swam ashore.  Kiran had enjoyed begin with the villagers streaming with fun.  She showed her hospitality by giving him dry clothes and milk.  

He had lived an unsettled life as he belonged to theatrical group. And this had not allowed his personality to brought to the fullest.  The story beautifully captures the emotional turbulence of  Nilkanta, who encountered the warmth, vitality and kindness of Kiran.  Nilkanta developed a friendship with a band of naughty boys.  Kiran seemed to forget  Nilkanta and spend almost all the time with Satish.  Nilkanta became jealous and try to hurt Satish. He stole Satish’s costly inkstand.  Kiran happened to see the missing thing in Nilkanta’s box.  He knew that he had no way to prove his stand.  He ran away from the house, so once again he was thrown out into the streets.  

News report 

Suppose you are the reporter of a local daily and you happened to hear about the news of  Nilkanta’s missing. How would you prepare the news report for your daily? 

Chandernagore: Nilkanta , a young boy of about 15 has been found  missing from a house since two days.  He was a refugee and staying in a house with a family happily. But the family reported that an expensive inkstand is found missing from the house. Everyone in the house suspected that he might have stolen the inkstand and vanished. It shocked the entire village about his disappearance. The police have a registered a case against him and started their investigation.  

Prepared  by   
Ashraf VVN
DGHSS, Tanur –Malappuram 

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